How to Achieve Trusted Continuous Updates in the DevOps World
In the evolution of DevOps, Continuous Integration led to Continuous Delivery, and the next logical step is Continuous Updates in which software is constantly updated without our involvement. No need to figure out hardware specifications. Nothing to interrupt our digital lives. No waiting for lengthy downloads and reboots. It all just happens in the background. This is the world of Liquid Software in which developers code high quality applications that securely flow to end-users with zero downtime.

Liquid Software
How to Achieve Trusted Continuous Updates in the DevOps World

Imagine a world in which software is constantly updated without our involvement. No need to figure out hardware specifications. Nothing to interrupt our digital lives. No waiting for lengthy downloads and reboots. It all just happens in the background. This is the world of Liquid Software. A world in which developers code high quality applications that securely flow to end-users with zero downtime.
John Willis, CEO and Founder of Botchagalupe Technologies, Co-author of the DevOps Handbook and Beyond the Phoenix Project

In this book, the authors bring insights from their more than 50 years of collective experience in building software in modern development environments. As pioneers of innovation, they dream of things that never were and present the next generation of DevOps, explaining that what sounds like Software Utopia is possible and practical today!
“Liquid Software is dedicated to everyone who has ever wished machines would work for us, instead of the other way around”

The pioneers of liquid software

Fred Simon
Fred is an avid software visionary with over 25 years of hands-on open source coding experience.
He is co-founder and the Chief Architect of JFrog, the DevOps accelarator company. He was also the founder of AlphaCSP – a Java experts consulting firm that was acquired in 2005. As a community influencer, Fred has been part of the most challenging changes in the software industry and has led Fortune 500 companies in their transition to DevOps. in 2015, Fred envisioned a world in which software is “liquid”, and revealed the driving force behind the DevOps Revolution: Continuous Software Updates.

Yoav Landman
Yoav is a devout engineer, the creator of Artifactory, and a co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of JFrog. With over 20 years of experience as a Software Architect of enterprise applications, he plays a significant role in the evolution of DevOps.
Yoav is a devout engineer, the creator of Artifactory, and a co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of JFrog. With over 20 years of experience as a Software Architect of enterprise applications, he plays a significant role in the evolution of DevOps.
In 2006, Yoav created Artifactory as an open source project paving the way for the software community to a new domain of managing binaries. Prior to JFrog, Yoav created many production solutions as a consultant in the fields of Continous Integration and Distributed Systems. He is also an accredited speaker and a Java Rockstar.

Baruch Sadogursky
Baruch is a vibrant and passionate advocate in the software development community. He is known as a champion in vocalizing key technical problems and offering inventive solutions in the high-tech industry.
Baruch is a vibrant and passionate advocate in the software development community. He is known as a champion in vocalizing key technical problems and offering inventive solutions in the high-tech industry. Baruch has been a software professional, consultant, architect and speaker for almost 20 years. He has been JFrog’s Developer Advocate since 2012. Prior to JFrog, Baruch was an Innovation Expert at BMC Software and a consultant and software architect at AlphaCSP. Baruch is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation Ambassador, and Oracle Developer Champion, a Java Rockstar and a leading DevOps evangelist.